White Roses Scene 14

White Roses as symbol of love 

Now they have accepted the cage as their nest,
Where is the strength to fly in their wings?

Omar called Farhana as soon as he woke up.

"Mom, I had reached. We were late last night, so I thought it wouldn't be appropriate to call. You might have been disturbed."

"Well, that's me still. Alright... leave it. Have you had breakfast? Where are you staying?"

"We're staying at the hotel." Omar lied to Farhana smoothly.

"In the same room?"

"No, Mom... What are you talking about? I'm alone."

"Alright... fine. Take care of yourself, and there's no need to get too close to her." Farhana was busy preparing breakfast.

"Mom... don't you trust us anymore? And we're not kids anymore."

"I have complete trust in my son, but not in her."

"Mom, she's not like that. She's very good, very kind, innocent."

"Alright, alright. Just don't read too much into her cleanliness. And tell me, when will you come back?"

"I can't say anything. I'll come when the work is finished." Omar ran his hand through his hair.

"When will it be finished?"

"Soon." Omar looked at his phone. Zakaria's call was coming in.

"Okay, Mom, I'll hang up. An important call is coming."

"Alright, son. Take care of yourself."

"Bye, Mom." Omar hung up and called Zakaria as soon as the call ended.

"Hello, where are you? I've called Aneesa, but she's not picking up."

"We have reached Islamabad only last night. Anisa is also well."

"But why is she not picking up the call?"

"I don't know uncle. Don't worry, I ask her." After that there was a small conversation between them and then Omar kept the phone. 

"I don't know what this girl is doing. She is not picking up the phone and I am telling lies one by one. Poor doesn't even know that uncle has sent her to Islamabad."

Omar came out. Ayan was having breakfast with the children. He also sat with them.

"Where is Aneesa?" Omar asked Ayan.

"She must be sleeping."

"So that means you've made breakfast?"

"Yes, obviously." Ayan replied in the affirmative.

"He would have gotten up. Let her make breakfast." Omar suggested it.

"No! No. I have no problem. And anyway, she must be tired from the journey, so thought I'd let her rest. Even if she wakes up, who comes to make her breakfast?"

"At least she would have made tea. Or she would get Asher ready for school. You were supposed to do something, after all." Omar was feeling uncomfortable staying at their house like this.

"Once Kashmala arrives, everything will be just like before, and I'm used to this routine."

Omar could only manage a smile. Asher stood up as soon as he finished breakfast.

"Shall we go?" Ayan stood up. He took Rania along. He allowed Omar to use the kitchen; they could use anything they needed without hesitation. After they left, Aneesa came out and sat down at the breakfast table. Omar was standing in the kitchen.

"Omar. Bring breakfast." As she ordered. Omar looked at her in shock.

"What? Come and get it yourself. I am not giving. And listen to me. Where is your phone?"

"Okay fine. Don't you...I am taking it myself now." She picked up the butter with a slice of bread.

"I have asked you something." Omar came and sat on the chair in front of her. She was busy in eating breakfast.

"What have you asked?"

"Where is your phone?"

"Has something happened?"

"Yes. Uncle had called."

"What was saying?"

"He was asking about you."

"So what did you say?"

"You tell me. First tell me...where is your phone?"

"It's in the bag." She glanced around. "Tell me, what was dad saying?"

"Lies... tell the truth first, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" She looked at Omar angrily

"Otherwise, the next time they call, I will tell them that you are in Murree."

"I have left the phone in Lahore. By turning off the power. Next time my father calls, don't tell him that I am in Murree, but say I'm with Kashmala. With Kashmala." She said angrily. "You know what will happen. They will come to pick me up and by the day after tomorrow you will also come to Mianwali for me. To see my dead body at Jinnah Barrage." Omar was shocked. He kept listening to her.

"Good mate, sorry." Omar got up and sat on the chair next to Aneesa.

"Don't talk like that. I said it because uncle was worried about you."

She was sitting angry now, not even eating breakfast. Omar moved the chair a little closer to her. 

"Well, let's have breakfast and then go for a walk." She was still silent.

"What is your favorite place? Let's go there."

"No, first you call dad and tell him about me." Still angry.

"Well, I won't tell him now. I will never tell." Omar held her hand.


Upon hearing Omar say "Promise," Aneesa looked at Omar. She smiled and picked up a slice of bread to eat. Omar smiled too.

"You look very bad when you sulk and cry." Omar commented. Aneesa playfully punched him on the arm. After breakfast, they both got ready to go outside. Ayan also returned in the meantime.

Ayan entered the room with Rania. Since Kashmala wasn't home, he had to take care of the children himself. However, she always made sure to call, but not today. Ayan initiated a video call, but Kashmala switched it to an audio call.

"Where are you? You didn't call today... Is everything alright? Or have you forgotten about me?" Ayan asked as soon as the call connected.

"I'm just leaving for home. I packed the stuff and had breakfast, that's all," Kashmala replied while driving.

"You should have just messaged me. I became distressed. Rania also missed mama." She stood by the dressing table for support.

"Did you pick Asher up from school?" Kashmala asked barely.

"Yes... Rania and I went to pick him up together today." Ayan replied. On the other end, there was silence.

"Hello! Kashmala... Are you listening?" Ayan asked.

"Yes... yes... I'm listening," Kashmala replied.

"Your sister is here," Ayan informed her.


"No... Aneesa... She came with Omar. I thought you would know," Ayan said.


"Well... it seems she arrived without informing anyone at home," he said, slightly irritated by her brief responses.

"Is everything okay or not? Speak properly," he insisted.

"I'm driving. I'll talk when I get home. Goodbye," she said and hung up, putting the phone on silent mode, she put the phone in the glove compartment.

Omar parked the car on one side and was walking along. It was a rocky road. They both were walking together. They had come a long way. Talked a lot. Now both were turning back. Aneesa had a packet of popcorn in her hand. She would eat one popcorn kernel herself and give the other one to Omar's mouth.

"There is nothing good here." When something came to Omar's mind, he said it.

"Why? Why not good?"

"What's good? I didn't find anything good here. If you found something good, then let me know. I also want to know what's good," Omar replied.

"My sister's house is nice. The weather is good. The environment is good. And..." She stopped saying that.

"And what else is good?"

She wanted to say "you" to Omar but stopped herself.

"I. I am good." Omar laughed.

"Yes, but the environment is only good for vacations. There aren't that many great resources out there."

"Which resources?"

"For health and above all for education."

"Why? But the college here is good." Anisa took the name of the college.

"What good is this anyway? All useless work is done in college itself."

"How do you know? Have you ever studied here?"

"No. The man knows. The man keeps an eye on his surroundings. I will advise you not to take admission in such useless cities."

"Cities? Which cities?"

"This is... Murree, Islamabad etc." Omar tripped over a pebble in the path.

"Islamabad is good. Samira is there."

"Yes, so? Islamabad is good. Samaira is good. But what about universities there... the students... the system... is that good?" Omar inquired.

"Why? What happened there?"

"What happened? Ask what didn't happen." Omar raised his eyebrows.

"What didn't happen?" Anisa also repeated the question.

Omar stopped. Saw her face which was serious about her question.

"I thought you were joking but you are serious." He started walking. 

"I'm not kidding. Tell me why not all of them are good?"

"There are wrongdoings here," Omar replied.

"Wrongdoings? What kind of wrongdoings?" 

"Let it be. You won't believe it." 

"Why wouldn't I believe it? Tell me," Aneesa insisted. "I believe in everything you say."

"But you shouldn't share these things with others. Okay?"

"I don't do such things. Tell me."

"Well, there's deep friendship between boys and girls there. And they do every wrong thing... and girls leave the hostel at midnight to go out with boys. They do drugs. Boys do too," Omar closed his eyes and completed his statement.

"But hostels... there are guards outside them. How?" Anisa questioned.

"You're innocent or pretending. Guards also take money. And they're involved in arranging all these things," Omar was showing Aneesa a world she had never seen or imagined.

"But my sister is not like that, Omar..."

"Yes. She can't be like that. You know her. And she doesn't even live in the hostel. She's lucky," Umer said.

"Do you know this?" Aneesa asked.

"Yes. I've known everything from the beginning," Omar said. They both remained silent for a while.

"But Omar... in all universities, it can't be like this, right?"

"Yes, you can say that... but..."

"But what?"

"Isn't it better that you study in Lahore? You'll be near Mahenoor there. You'll be completely secure there. Your sister will be there to take care of you. What do you think?" Omar suggested.

"Yes, that's fine," Aneesa agreed. And Omar? Omar will be there too. She will meet Omar. She will see him. She will be able to talk to him. Omar will be close to her in Lahore. Even the thought filled her with hope. Omar was grateful that she had agreed so easily. Now he didn't have to weave more lies.

They both reached the car. The popcorn packet in Aneesa's hand was about to empty.

"Omar! Get these new ones."

"Okay. Come on."

 Both of them started buying popcorn from a man standing on the side of the road. Aneesa was also standing with him. He looked at her with a smile.

"Do not share with anyone what I have told you." Omar handed the man money and then turned to address Aneesa.

"I won't tell anyone. But everyone already knows these things. So what difference does it make if I tell?" Aneesa replied.

"Yes... but I'm saying is that I've told you these things... this... don't tell anyone." 

"Okay, okay."

They both sat in the car. Omar reached for the popcorn when Anisa stopped him.

"Don't eat it now. Will eat to pass the time later."

"Time pass?" He laughed. He brought the car to the road.

"Yes. Popcorn is like engagement. Pass the time from both."

"And who said this to you?"

"I myself."

"You said wrong to yourself. Engagement does not pass time."

"So what is right? You tell me."

"Engagement is a time pass for those who do not understand the sanctity of relationships. Who are not sincere about relationships. Once engaged, someone's name is associated with you, albeit temporarily. You started understanding each other. Know each other's likes and dislikes."

"And if likes and dislikes are different? If you do not understand?"

"So break off the engagement." Omar explained the solution.

"And this is called time pass!" Omar started looking at her. She was laughing.

"But life doesn't end, you choose your equal companion, who understands you. Take care of your likes and dislikes." Omar did not want to discuss the engagement.

"Now bring on the popcorn. If they finish, I'll get new ones."He started eating popcorn.

"Omar! Do engagements end?"

"Yes, if there is no understanding." Both became silent. Aneesa was lost in thoughts.

Omar and I have a lot of understanding. I will marry Omar. Omar will be mine. Will take care of me. Everything about Omar will be for me. Omar will be mine forever and ever. Life will be beautiful.

"What is the requirement for engagement?" She started again.

"Rings?" Omar thought and replied.

Aneesa looked at Omar's hands. There was a ring on the ring finger of his left hand. She felt suspicious.

"Have you got engaged, Omar?" Fear crept into her heart. Omar mar looked at the ring he was wearing on his finger.

"No... this is just for fashion." Omar took off the ring and put it in the glove compartment. But Anisa was still staring at his hands, which were busy driving. Omar drove silently for a long time. Aneesa kept looking at the ever empty road. Sometimes she would look at his hands and sometimes at her own hands.


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