White Roses Scene 15


White Roses as symbol of love 

Such a haunted city, neither seen nor heard,

Such terror that everyone's arms turned to stone.

She had reached Murree. Her head was exploding with pain. She was feeling tired due to continuous driving. The car was stopped in front of the house. In the mirror she saw her face, which was turning red. She patted her face with both hands and pushed her hair back. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out. Seeing Ayan's car in front, she realized that Ayan was at home. She entered the house. Her dupatta was hanging from both sides of her neck. She had a coat draped over her arm. Loose strands of hair swung on her waist. Mehwish, the housemaid also entered behind her.

"Hello Baji. Did you come?"

"Hmm." That was all Kashmala could answer.

As soon as Mehwish came, she got busy cleaning the house.

Kashmala entered her room. Ayan had already greeted Rania. And stuff was winding up. Seeing Kashmala coming, he got up and came to her. Kashmala turned her back to Ayan and started changing her shoes by leaning against the wall.

"Did you come!"

"Yes. Yes." Her voice was shaky. She tried to breathe but couldn't. She turned around helplessly and hugged Ayan and cried.

"Kashmala. What happened?" Ayan was surprised to see her cry like that. She kept crying. Ayan wrapped his arms around her. She was crying. She was Kashmala. Kashmala, evven when the whole world was against her, she could fight against everyone alone. She could have gone against her father in court.

Ayan sat her down on the couch and handed her a glass of water. She finished the water in one breath. She was silent. He rested his head on Ayan's shoulder and closed her eyes. There was a burning sensation in the eyes. She felt that if Ayan was with her, then everything would be with him. Ayan also put his head on hers and closed his eyes.

"Ayan, I will lose everything."

"Why are you saying that? Tell me what happened. I'm, I'll fix everything."

She sat silently resting her head on his shoulder. Tears were falling from her closed eyes.

"You know your sister is here. What will she think if she sees you in this state? And if he mentions it at home? So you know that everyone at home must be worried. Tell me. What's the problem? I'll sort it all out. Have a problem with the case?"

"Niaz Sikandar came. He has threatened me."

"Threat of what?"

"He said that if I don't withdraw the case against his son, he will kill one of you."

"How will he kill like that? Isn't it a bit of a joke? He will do nothing of the sort." Ayan knew how dangerous they all were. He did what he said. Niaz Sikandar, no small man, was the city's well-known bureaucrat. But still he was comforting Kashmala.

"What if he did something? He said that I do not love you and the children at all. I don't care about you guys. His son, Taimur. He is your friend, isn't he? Tell him to stop his father. And punish his brother for all that he has done "

"It is not all that simple. And then how can I make a son against his father and brother?"

"Taimur must also know that his brother is wrong. He has often been involved in such cases."

"So what has the court decided now?"

"After ten days, the final decision will be taken in the Lahore High Court."

"Who is the girl with whom all this happened?"

"The girl's name is Batool. She's the only daughter. And she has a brother too. Father is a government employee. She had told that Behram Sikandar used to harass him daily. And had also sent her a marriage proposal. But on her repeated refusal, Burhan kidnapped her on April 20 and raped her. The medical report is also a witness to this. While Burhan is now clearly denying that he has not even seen this girl. There is also a video. His car number is also clear in it."

Ayan was listening to her. But what could he do. 

"Did you eat food? No, you must not have eaten."

"Ayan!" She held his hand while speaking in a pleading tone. Her voice trembled.

"Will you talk to your friend?"

"You have the evidence. You will win."

"But if he does something to you or anyone else..." She stopped.

"What if I talk to Taimur? He will do the same as you did. If he told me to take my wife away from all of them?"

Kashmala was silent, she had no answer. Ayan was right.

"I never stopped you from anything. And I will not stop now and never again. You know I never interfered in anyone's work. Those who have work to do, do it yourself. But you will always find me standing by your side." He stood up.

"I put food on. You must be tired. Go to sleep after eating. I will be back by evening. Then we will talk."

Ayan took her hand and led her into the kitchen. Now he was standing in the kitchen taking out food.

"Sir, I take out the food for Baji." Mehwish spoke.

"It's ok. I will do it. You go."And she left.

Ayan placed the curry plate in front of Kashmala and poured water into the glass and moved it towards her. He was about to leave when Kashmala stopped him.

"Stop a little longer. Eat with me."

"The meal? I have eaten food. But. But I sit."

He sat on the chair with Kashmala. She continued to eat and Ayan watched her. Kashmala's eyes were on her uniform. Ayan would push back the hair from Kashmala's face. His presence gave Kashmala a sense of completeness.

"Now eat and sleep. You need rest."

"Ok." Kashmala finished eating. Ayan went to put the dishes in the kitchen. Kashmala went towards her room. He was standing back outside the kitchen. Kashmala stood in front of him. She had something in her hand.

"What are you looking at?" Ayan asked with his eyes closed.

"Don't you think you're forgetting something?"

Ayan tried to remember. Then took Kashmala's hand in his hands.

"I'm here... You're here... In front of me... My breaths... (and then Ayan brought her hand close to his lips and kissed) And more than anything, we are both happy."

Kashmala freed her hand and then placed the name plate on her uniform.

"Ayan Ali. Now everything seems complete." Kashmala touched the nameplate with her index finger.

"I forgot?"


"Look again. You are there to take care of me."

"Forever...forever."  Kashmala was showing her right.

"At least don't say that. Not always." Ayan put his arms around Kashmala.

"You just started again." Kashmala's eyes were sad.

"One day, InshaAllah..."

Meanwhile, his phone rang and the words of his heart stopped coming and going on his tongue. Khizr's name flashed on the mobile screen. He attended the call.

"Waalaikum Salam Officer...OK...I am just coming...OK Officer."

After saying this, he put the phone in his pocket. Kashmala was watching his style, how he was talking.

"You'll jinx me."

She couldn't stop laughing at Ayan's words.

"I can jinx you, right? Never."

"Good. I'm going now. Take care of yourself. Don't take tension."

Kashmala came to her room. She glanced at her daughter, who was sleeping. Then she picked her up in her lap and closed her eyes and leaned against the crown.

Omar and Aneesa came home. Aneesa was still insisting on going out for a walk. Omar was quite tired. He promised Aneesa that they would go out in the evening. The house was empty. There was no sound. Mehwish was washing dishes. Omar went to his room. Aneesa went to Kashmala's room. She opened the door quietly. Seeing Kashmala and Rania sleeping, she returned to her room. She took out a picture from the cupboard and lay down on the bed with it. She started looking at the picture. In the picture, she and Omar were together. She touched Omar's picture with her fingers. A smile spread across her face. She looked out the window, thought for a while, and then smiled again. She placed the picture under the pillow and tried to sleep. Omar's thoughts kept coming to her mind again and again.


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