White Roses Scene 19


White Roses as symbol of love 

It is here that my cowardly enemy has been defeated

Against me alone, your army turned out to be no match.

Ayan and Kashmala were busy packing. Ashir was helping them, taking out small items from the drawers. 

"Is something wrong?" Ayan examined her face for sadness. 

"No, nothing." 

"Then why do you seem off?" 

"There's just a lot of work, maybe that's why you thought so, otherwise there's nothing." She was folding clothes and putting them in the suitcase.

"Are you sure?"

There was a knock on the door. It was Omar. Omar requested permission to come in, and then he entered.

"Kashmala... I need to talk to you."

"Yes, I'm listening."

Omar glanced at Ayan. Kashmala looked at both Omar and Ayan.

"Can we talk alone?" Umar asked Kashmala.

"Okay, I'll come out." She stood outside the room with Omar.

"Kashmala... I want you not to tell Anisa about whatever I told you today."

"Okay," Kashmala replied without looking at him.


"And there was nothing else to say."

Kashmala was about to leave when Umar called her.

"Are you still upset with me about that?"

"Why am I starting to be displeased with you?" Kashmala used to address him as "you" as informal and frankly manners but today, for the first time, he referred Omar in a formal tone. It didn't sit right with Omar.

"I'm not displeased with anyone," Umar said, trying to gauge her reaction. She remained silent.

"Are you displeased?" Omar again asked. 

"I've already answered that. I have a lot of work," she said, then walked into the room. Omar stood there, head bowed.

He went to Aneesa's room. He saw that the room was in disarray. Mehwish was cleaning it.

"Where is Aneesa?" Omar asked Mahwish, not finding Aneesa in the room.

"I don't know," Mahwish replied.

"Who did this?"

"Those who live in this room," Mehwish said curtly.


"Yes, sir."

"But why?"

"I wouldn't know, sir. Perhaps they're upset about something. They might have had an argument with Baji."

Omar came out of the room and looked around the house, but Aneesa was not there. He stepped outside and saw her sitting on a large rock a short distance away from the house. Omar paused there. He was about to approach her when he saw someone else heading towards her. Omar stopped. It was Khizar. Omar stood there, watching them from a distance.

"The weather seems gloomy today," Aneesa noticed Khizar standing a short distance away from her.

"Khizar bhai, you?" She had a book in her hand as she sat there.

"You weren't feeling down?" he asked.

"No, not at all."

"Don't lie to me. Look at your face. Anyone can tell that someone's hand is behind making this beautiful face sad." Khizar's words brought a faint smile to her face.

"When was the last time you washed your face?" Khizar's question made her laugh even more.

"I just washed it," she replied.

"Do you know, Junaid used to wash his face once a week?" Khizar found amusement in teasing her. At least she seemed happy now.

"How many times do you wash your face?" Aneesa asked him.

"Well, I'm so handsome that even if I don't take care of myself, I'd still be the most handsome guy in the world."

"I like your humor. I'll tell your brother about this." Everyone knew that Khizar's antics often embarrassed his brother, Ayan.

"You're contributing to the injustice as well," Khizar mentioned Ayan.

"Let me add to your knowledge that it's not just me but also your brother, Junaid, who has been a victim of our brother's tyranny. He and I have both faced harassment together in PMA, and now, he is going back to Kalkul to continue harassing your brother. He chuckled.

"Really? If that's the case, then it's a good thing."

"You didn't care?"

"I can confidently say that because of you, Junaid must have suffered."

"Oh, come on! Your brother is way ahead of me."

"My brother is innocent."

"Wanna bet?"


"Why are you scared? Afraid of losing?"

"No. I'll ask Ayan myself."

"Put it in! Put it in! "Put it with enthusiasm into the lion's den.They'll give you a thorough beating in PMA too."

"That won't happen."

"We'll see."

"Yes, we'll see."

"You're just like Junaid. He's also stubborn and sharp-tongued. Thank God we found a good sister-in-law. Otherwise, such people in this world... Oh God!"

"I'll tell Kashmala to be strict with you."

"Hahaha!" He burst into laughter. "That could only happen in your dreams."

"Alright." She closed her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Khizar asked.

"I want to see how Ayan treats you, brother. How do you look when you're getting scolded?Oh! You look so handsome." 

"Open your eyes, ma'am... That's not possible with Kashmala around. She considers me her little brother, and what do you think, she'll let me bully her husband? Never." 

He was laughing. Aneesa was also laughing. Omar stood at a distance watching them. There was something going on between them that made them both laugh. Whatever it was, it looked pleasant.

Omar went back inside the house and sat in the lounge. Ashir went outside. Umair called him, "Where are you going alone outside?"

"I'm going to call Aneesa aunty and Khizar uncle. Mom has asked," Ashir said.

"Should I come along too?"

"It's up to you, uncle."

Omar decided to go with him. They both reached Aneesa and Khizar.

"Mom is calling both of you," Ashir informed Aneesa and Khizar.

"What were you both doing here?" Omar asked them.

"You left your beautiful cousin all alone. She was sitting there feeling sad, so I thought I'd keep her company," Khizar replied to Omar's question.

"If she had told me, I would have been with her," Omar said, looking at Aneesa. Aneesa also looked at Omar in response.

"Shall we go?" Ashir called out to the three of them. "Mom is waiting."

"Just a moment... Can we wait a little longer?" Aneesa asked, looking at Omar. Omar stood there silently, looking at her.

"It's okay, there's no problem. Bhabhi won't get angry. Let's stop Ashir too, otherwise she'll keep sending him back repeatedly to call us," Khizar expressed his opinion.

They lingered for a while and chatted. Ashir kept checking the time on his wristwatch repeatedly. Khizar took his wristwatch and put it in his pocket.

"If you weren't a military man's son!"

Khizar was telling them stories about Junaid and his military experiences, which were quite amusing and interesting.

"Junaid was more stubborn than me. Whenever we went to the mess to eat, he would quickly finish his food and then eat mine too. Often, he would get scolded for being late, and then I had to smuggle food for him." 

"So you was a thief." Aneesa supported her brother.

"The biggest thief was your brother. Perhaps you and Bhabhi know about the him that girl's heart..." Aneesa hinted to Khizar to keep quiet secretly.

He stopped.

"What happened next?" Omar asked, showing interest.

"What happened next...Your cousin will tell you. Tell us, ma'am, what happened next?" Aneesa was trying to keep her lips from trembling.

"If Omar found out that my brother was interested in a girl, what would he think about Junaid?"

"Tell us," Omar addressed Aneesa, who was lost in her thoughts.

"Yes... Junaid had read the boy's heart," Aneesa finally replied, not knowing what to say.

Umair was puzzled.

"He couldn't handle it at all. It was so dirty, how she handled it." Khizar was thinking to himself and struggling to control his laughter.

"Yes, exactly. That's what happened. The boy's heart was craving biryani... and my brother found out." 

"She lied so blatantly," Khizar replied, laughing even more. Aneesa was looking at him, also finding it amusing.

"Uncle!" Ashir grabbed Khizar's hand.

"Let's go home, it's getting late."

"Okay okay. Let's listen to the rest of the story at home. Your aunt will narrate it." Aneesa gave Khizar a gentle nudge.

They all reached home. Ayan and Rania were playing with building blocks. Khizar now looked completely serious.

"Now, smile," Aneesa said in a low voice.

"What are you saying to Khizar?" Kashmala's voice came from behind, louder now. Aneesa turned around to face her. Kashmala was addressing her. 

"Nothing, sister. Your sister is saying that we should play Ludo. Now that we have four players, we can form teams. I'll go get the Ludo board," Khizar explained.

"Oh no! It seems like your heart wants to play Ludo itself." Aneesa said as he left.

Khizar brought the Ludo board.

Aneesa teamed up with Omar, and Khizar teamed up with Kashmala.

"Don't cheat," Kashmala warned Aneesa before the game even started. Aneesa looked at Omar.

"Ayan, keep an eye on everyone. No cheating allowed," Kashmala instructed Ayan.

"Well, he is your husband, he'll take your side," Aneesa disagreed with Kashmala. Omar and Khizar laughed at her remark.

"No, no, I won't let anyone cheat," Ayan said firmly.

There was quite a commotion there now. It was lively.


Omar and Aneesa had to return today. Omar and Khizar were on Mall Road. Kashmala, Ayan, and Aneesa were sitting in the lounge drinking tea. Ayan and Kashmala were engrossed in their conversation. Aneesa sat silently. Although she was physically present there, mentally she was lost in her thoughts. She could only feel by looking at Kashmala and Ayan, their moving lips, that they were talking.

"We'll stay at Mahenoor's house," Aneesa participated in the conversation when Mahenoor was mentioned.

"Why? Why are you going to Lahore?"

"For a case. Then we'll head to Kakul from there," she replied.

"Alright." Aneesa got lost in her thoughts again.

"Would you like some tea?" Ayan offered Aneesa a cup of tea.

"Are you going to Lahore today?" Aneesa asked Ayan.

"Yes. Hopefully. Why?"

"We're also going back today. Both Omar and I..." Aneesa glanced at Kashmala as she spoke.

"That's good... I suggest you return to Mianwali now."

"No... I'll stay with Mahenoor. I've stayed there before."

"Alright... everything's okay now, right?" Kashmala asked with a nod. Ayan headed towards the room.

"Yes... everything's fine," Anisa replied, looking at Ayan who had left.

"Now, let's have an open conversation with you." Kashmala sat beside Aneesa, patting her back.

"Everything's fine. I'll leave Omar now..." Aneesa expressed, unsure if Kashmala believed her words.

"Sure... absolutely sure," he reassured Kashmala, speaking confidently.

"Baji... what should we do with your sister's belongings?" Mehwish inquired Kashmala about Aneesa's belongings.

"Do something with them... put them in the car outside, the one with the black color," (Kashmala referred) she instructed.

"Alright, Baji." Mehwish left to execute the task.

"You should check if anything is left," Kashmala said to Aneesa, giving her a glance. She wanted to talk to Aneesa about many things.

"Kashmala!" Ayan's voice came, accompanied by Rania's crying. Kashmala rushed into the room to see Ayan holding Rania, who was crying heavily. Aneesa and Mahwish also entered the room.

"Mom, look, Rania fell down." Ashir told her.

"How did she fall?" Kashmala took Rania into her arms.

"She was lying on the bed... and fell down while crawling," Ayan explained.

"And I was in the washroom. Ayan knew Kashmala would ask, 'Where were you?'"

"Whoa... whoa... Ashir was trying to quieten his sister. Mehwish went back to work. Omar and Khizar also came in.

"Why is there so much noise?" Omar asked Khizar.

"Rania must have fallen," Khizar said calmly, but Omar's eyebrows raised in concern when he heard the news.

When Aneesa came out, she saw Khizar and Omar.

"Look Omar's beautiful cousin! We've brought a gift for you," Khizar called Aneesa.

Omar chuckled, "Omar's beautiful cousin!"

"Come, have a look." Khizar made seat for her, and she sat between them.

"Omar, you show her first what you got for your beautiful cousin," Khizar said.

"Yes, sure." Omar picked a bag on the table and motioned towards Aneesa.

"What is it?" Aneesa asked excitedly and opened the bag. Then she looked at Omar with her mouth wide open, and then at Khizar. Omar placed his hand under her chin and closed her mouth.

"Your mouth indeed remained wide open," Khizar chuckled.

"So beautiful khusaaa!" She slipped them onto her feet and stood up. And she started walking. They were undoubtedly khusa of beautiful colors.

"How beautiful they are! Thank you, Omar!" Aneesa put the khusa back in the box.

Omar smiled.

"Now it's my turn." Khizar picked up a dusty package from the table.

"Close your eyes and put your hands forward," he instructed.

Upon Khizar's instruction, she closed her eyes and extended her hands forward. Then she felt something soft on her wrist.

"Can I open my eyes now?"

"No, not yet. Omar, put your hand over her eyes," Khizar instructed.

Omar placed his hand over Aneesa's eyes. Then she felt something soft on her other wrist.

Omar removed his hand from her eyes.

"Surprise!" Khizar exclaimed. Anisa's eyes widened.

"Gujaray!!! Wow!" She took in the scent of roses and then brought her bracelets close to Omar's nose. There was something special about that moment for Omar. He also smelled the fragrance.

"Thank you, Khizar bhai. You know, the first and last time I received Gujaray was from Junaid bhai. You are the second person who has given me Gujaray without saying anything." She kept sniffing the fragrance of the roses repeatedly.

Kashmala went outside to get Rania. Rania was still crying.

"Bhabi, I've also brought Gujaray for you." Khizar brought the Gujaray and adorned Kashmala's wrist with them. But when Rania saw the vibrant colors of the flowers, she grabbed some Gujaray in her little fist. As a result, all the petals scattered and fell to the ground. But during this time, Rania fell silent.

"Oh! Anisa chuckled.

"It's okay," Khizar said, seeing Kashmala's sad face.

"Your daughter seemed to find peace." Khizar affectionately pulled Rania's cheek.

"Baji, I've put all the luggage in the car," Mehwish was saying to Kashmala as she finished herr work. Aneesa got up and went to put the gifts given by Omar and Khizar in the car.

"Khizar, can you hold your niece for a moment?" Kashmala handed Rania to Khizar's arms. Then she took Mehwish with her to her room.

Kashmala took out some thousands and handed it to Mehwish.Mehwish counted the money.

"Baji, this is too much," Mahwish looked at Kashmala.

"Oh, keep it, Mehwish! I'm in a difficult situation myself, so I'm concerned about you too," Kashmala insisted. Mehwish accepted the money.

"Baji, make sure you don't leave anything behind. I've put everything in the car as you instructed," Mehwish said.

Kashmala checked once, and all the luggage was complete. She sent Mehwish back home.

"Shall we go, Ayan?" Kashmala asked Ayan.

"Yes, let's go."

"I've informed Mahenoor that we'll stay at her place for five to six days," she added.


Ayan locked the house. Aneesa and Omar also left with them. Khizar was with Aneesa and Omar.
