White Roses Scene 20


White Roses as symbol of love 

Our bodies are imprisoned, our emotions are chained,

Our thoughts are confined, our speech is censored.


At evening, Peter and Juliet were present at the hospital. Juliet brought discharge papers and also had a bag of medicines in her hand. Peter supported Alex and helped him to stand up. The nurse stepped forward to put shoes on him, but Alex stopped her with a hand gesture.

"I'll do it," he said.

"Okay," the nurse stepped back.

Juliet entered the room and saw Alex, who was looking much better. She held the papers and medicines in her hands and kept looking at Alex. Alex also glanced at her but quickly averted his gaze from Juliet.

"Let's go," Peter addressed Juliet, who seemed lost in thought.

"Yes, Father," Juliet replied.

After leaving the hospital, they went straight home.

"Take these medicines and Alex inside. I'll be coming," Peter said as he stood at the door addressing his daughter.

Juliet entered Alex's house with him. She looked around anxiously. Observing the house, she asked, "Do you live alone?"

But she received no response. Now he had entered his bedroom. He lay down on the bed. Juliet entered along with him.

"The bedroom is giving quite a royal feeling. It must be enjoyable for him here," Juliet observed the room with longing eyes.

"Where should I put these?" Juliet asked about the medicines.

"Put them on my head," came the sarcastic reply.

"Where do you usually keep medicines? Don't you have any sense?" 

Juliet placed the medicines on the dressing table and then looked at Alex. The impact on his face. Perhaps she had placed the medicines in the wrong place. Juliet picked up the medicines again and stood with a frown. Juliet's mannerisms were further fueling Alex's excitement. Alex glanced to his right. He meant to place the medicines on the side table. But he still didn't understand. He swiftly placed the medicines on the ground and hurried out.

Alex kept watching his every move. Meanwhile, Peter arrived. He picked up the medicines and placed them on the side table next to the bed, then settled in beside Alex.

"Why?" Peter asked him.

Taking a deep breath, Alex drew it in. The door was open. Juliet stood outside, watching.

"Why do you inflict pain on yourself?" Peter questioned.

"I don't do anything. It all just happens, and when it happens, I understand why," Alex explained his condition to Peter.

"I don't understand. I don't find peace. It's a strange thing... a strange dilemma... that I can't find peace. Everything... I've tried everything. What haven't I tried!"

"If your parents find out, what will happen to them?"

"I want... I want them to find out. I want them to know what I'm going through," Alex expressed with determination.

"What's wrong with you?" Peter stared at him in astonishment.

"More than children need parents, and more than parents need children, there is no one else. Both relationships are filled with emotions for each other. Parents cannot see their children in pain, and neither can children see their parents in pain. Perhaps you'll understand this better when you become a parent yourself," Peter explained.

Alex chuckled at Peter's strong response and then bowed his head, tears streaming down his face.

"Your religion and mine may be different, but there is a bond of humanity between us. As a teacher of humanity and above all, as your mentor in humanity, I am telling you," Peter concluded.

"What should I do? What can I do to relieve this pain?" Alex questioned in distress.

Juliet saw him crying, wondering why he was in pain. Why do beautiful people experience ugly situations in life? Why does it happen? Beauty should be accompanied by beauty. So why?

"You said you've tried everything. Could it be that something is left undone? I know some, but not much, about your religion and beliefs. Maybe you've left something behind?" Peter speculated.

"I don't want to discuss it with anyone. Those I want to talk to say that I'll understand everything on my own someday," Alex responded.

"They say whatever they want, but why? She knows everything. Why doesn't she tell me?" Alex questioned in frustration.

"Is it because of some girl?" Juliet's ears perked up at the mention of a girl.

"She knows everything, she knows it all. She told me that one day things will start making sense to me on their own. Will I find peace in this pain? Can there be peace in pain?" Alex pondered.

"Peace in pain? Who is that? Who can bring peace in pain?" Juliet wondered. "Someone who can find peace in pain... Who can contain nerves to such an extent?"

Peter stood up.

"I'll leave." Maybe Peter knew where to find peace, Alex tried to stop him.

"Father, you go. I'm here," Juliet's voice halted Alex, but she ignored him.

"I'll care about it, Alex," she said without looking at him.

Peter left. Now, only the two of them were in the room.

"Romeo!" she addressed him as she sat down.


"I needed to tell you something."

"I need to rest now. You go from here."

"But... Romeo! It will be too late. Romeo!"

"Shut up, please! Will you please shut up?" he snapped.

Tears flowed from Juliet's eyes.

She got up and sat on the sofa in the room. Alex lay down. He wanted to sleep, and he did. Juliet wanted to cry, and she kept crying. She didn't know when she fell asleep.

When Alex woke up, he saw Juliet sleeping on the carpet. He ignored her and moved towards the washroom. But he closed the door so forcefully that Juliet woke up and realized where she was at that moment.

Juliet sat up and headed towards the kitchen. When she opened the fridge, she found nothing to eat. Glancing at the cupboard, she spotted a few cookies and slices of bread. There were also some eggs and tea bags along with other items.

She started making coffee.

Meanwhile, Alex also emerged fresh and went to the kitchen upon hearing the noise.

"I thought you would have gone back home by now. Isn't it humiliating enough that you slept downstairs last night?" he said as he approached the kitchen.

Juliet turned towards him.

"I am making coffee for you," she replied.

"Gratitude? Am I supposed to thank you for doing all this?" 

She stood with the mug of coffee in her hand.

"Get out of here," Alex gestured for her to move aside. She stepped aside, leaving the way.

"Father had said to take care of you."

He began to prepare toast for himself.

"I wanted to talk to you," Juliet insisted.

Ignoring her, Alex took the eggs and began frying them.

"I have something to tell you, Romeo," Juliet said.

Alex kept ignoring her, standing as if Juliet wasn't there, as if he was completely alone in that house.

"About your sister," Juliet's words made him pause. For a moment, he stopped what he was doing and turned towards Juliet. He turned and walked towards Juliet. One step, then another, then a third. Juliet stepped back, one step, then another, then a third. Egg burned. The smoke was rising from the pan.

"What?" He asked, looking into Juliet's eyes with disdain. Juliet lowered her gaze.

"Trevor... Trevor will kill your sister," she said. Hearing Juliet's words, he became even more furious.

"And more?"

"And he'll seek revenge through your sister. That's why he didn't go on the trip."

"Who told you?"

"I heard Jenny and Trevor discussing it at the party that night."


"Yes, Jenny. She was the one who suggested using your sister."

Alex burst into laughter. Juliet looked at him incredulously. He was laughing maniacally.

"Romeo... What will happen now?"

"Shhhhhhh." Alex gestured for him to keep quiet. "You go. And don't mention this to anyone."


"Go." He roared. Juliet trembled and left.

Skipping breakfast, he went straight to his room and began rummaging through the items, rearranging them to search for something. He opened drawers, then went to the bedside table. Upon opening a drawer, he found what he was looking for: a passport. Then he grabbed a bag, threw it over his shoulder, and quickly hopped on his bike to reach Trevor's flat. With a smile on his face, he arrived, pulled out a chart, scribbled something on it, and pinned it to the door. Ringing the bell, he swiftly dashed away.

Trevor stepped outside, looked around, but found no one. As he turned back, he stopped abruptly.

"What's this?" He muttered.

"Izraeel is waiting for you. He's on his way, coming towards you," written on chart. 

Trevor took down the chart and placed it on the table, then lay back down.

Meanwhile, Alex was now headed towards the airport.
